Films for young people: dramas & documentaries
Here you’ll find links to dramas & documentaries that tackle all kinds of issues surrounding unhealthy, toxic & harmful relationships.
We’ll update this page whenever we discover new programmes that we think you’ll find useful, so be sure to check back in every so often.
Murdered by my Boyfriend is a drama created by the BBC that presents a young woman’s story of abuse.
Based on a true story, it includes scenes that highlight how abuse affects young children, extreme violence and the death of the main character.
Due to the extreme violence and murder scene, which viewers could find extremely upsetting, we don’t recommend this for under 16s.
Can You See Me?
Created by Women's Aid, The Midcounties Co-operative and West Mercia's Women's Aid, Can You See Me? is designed to help young people explore the issue of domestic abuse in teenage relationships.
Spiralling presents a story of a teenage relationship that becomes abusive.
You’ll see how abuse victims are manipulated & isolated – and how abuse escalates.
The video includes a rape, though no physical or sexual abuse is shown.
Created by Barnardo’s, Real Love Rocks is a four session healthy relationships programme with interactive exercises, personal stories and short animations.
Designed by young people, for young people, the programme covers child criminal exploitation (CCE), radicalisation and the world online.