Healthy relationships
Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, trust, good communication and individuality. Find out more about healthy relationships here…
Healthy relationships share similar characteristics…
Mutual respect
In healthy relationships, you value each other and respect each other’s boundaries.
Healthy relationships involve being trusted and being trustworthy. You give each other the benefit of the doubt.
Good communication
Within healthy relationships, you’ll be able to speak honestly and openly to avoid miscommunication.
You shouldn’t have to compromise who you are. In healthy relationships, you accept people for who they are – and they do the same.
Open, honest and safe conversation is a key part of all healthy relationships.
It’s really important that you’re on the same page – that you understand each other’s needs and expectations.
Forming healthy relationships…
If you’re hoping to build healthier relationships with other people, think about things like…
If there’s someone you want to make friends with, the first thing you could do is ask them if they want to be your friend. If they say yes – fantastic! If they say no, it might feel upsetting, but you can’t be friends with everyone. And that’s ok.
Try exploring your own interests to make new friends. A good friend will show interest in things that interest you.
Attending clubs and events that involve things you’re interested in is a great way to meet people who have similar interests to you. Have a look at what’s happening in your area and sign up.
Think about how you want to be treated by someone you care about…
I feel…
safe · respected · loved · trusted · treated equally · encouraged · supported · cared for · listened to · treated fairly · understood · like I can be myself