Unhealthy relationships
Unhealthy relationships involve things like disrespect, distrust, miscommunication and co-dependence. Find out more about unhealthy relationships here…
Unhealthy behaviours
In an unhealthy relationship, your partner might not value you or respect your boundaries. This might apply both ways, so think about your own behaviour too.
Trust issues might involve you or your partner not trusting each other – or not behaving in trustworthy ways.
Do you discuss problems or issues openly and honestly? If you don’t, you might end up having arguments – or not discussing important issues at all.
Within an unhealthy relationship, you or your partner might feel a lack of freedom to express individuality. You might feel unable to be yourself.
Unhealthy relationships often share several characteristics. Do any of the behaviours listed above sound familiar?
“He was constantly messaging other girls – then he’d be checking my phone to make sure I wasn’t messaging other lads.”
- Sophie
Worried you’re in an unhealthy relationship? Scroll down to find out how you can deal with it…
I think I might be in an unhealthy relationship…
If your relationship has the signs of an unhealthy relationship, you might feel sad, scared, angry, guilty. Or you might not even know how you feel. That’s ok. But it’s important to deal with your feelings appropriately.
Talk to someone you trust – like a friend, teacher or parent
Write down how you’re feeling
Write a letter to the person who’s been upsetting you (you don’t have to send – just getting your feelings down on paper can help)
Draw a picture / paint / scribble / doodle
Find an empty space – an empty room or somewhere outside – and shout at the top of your voice
Do something that makes you feel happy (play your favourite game / read a book / something else…)