Websites for parents & carers

As parents in the 21st Century, we’re lucky to have so much information available at the click of a button.

But if you’re looking for a nudge in the direction of some reliable websites aimed at parents of teens, you’re in the right place…


Cheshire Sexual Assault Referral Centre

Helping you recognise when your child may be at risk (has a great useful links page!)




Find out more about your local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).


Family Lives: getting ready for university

Helpful guidance for parents & carers on helping your teen prepare for life away from home.


Parent Info: online teen speak

A fantastic resource that explains terms young people use online & help you to keep your teens safe.


Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre

Some great web links, guides, flyers and contact details for further support (local & national).



parent support

Does your child have emotional difficulties? Learn more about “parent empower hour” here.


Young Minds: parents’ guide to bullying

How to support your child – whether they’re being bullied or becoming a bully themselves.