Make a connection: real life stories
Wellbeing means different things to different people at different times of their lives. At Act on it Now, we encourage a healthy and happy outlook from those around us, without telling them how that might look for each individual.
Five areas of wellbeing
At Act on it Now, we focus on the same five areas of wellbeing* as our parent charity, My CWA. They are:
Connect: Strengthening relationships with others – and feeling close to and valued by others, including at work – is critical to boosting wellbeing.
Keep learning: Being curious and seeking out new experiences at work – and in life more generally – positively stimulates the brain.
Be active: Being physically active – including at work – improves physical health and can improve mood and wellbeing and decrease stress, depression and anxiety.
Give: Carrying out acts of kindness – whether small or large – can increase happiness, life satisfaction and general sense of wellbeing.
Take notice: Paying more attention to the present moment – to thoughts and feelings and to the world around us – boosts our wellbeing.
Connect is the first of our five areas of wellbeing. Taking time to develop our connections with other people can improve our wellbeing. And we know how important a support network can be to teens & young people affected by unhealthy or toxic relationships – with their parents, partners or wider friends & family.
Real life stories
Our real life stories show how powerful connecting can be. Find out how young people affected by unhealthy and toxic relationships have made positive changes to their lives by reaching out and connecting with us.
Josie’s story
Josie was 16 and finishing high school when her relationship began. At the start, things were “amazing.” But after a while, Josie’s boyfriend would get angry during fights. Find out how Josie got the help she needed by connecting with us.
Ella’s story
Living with and witnessing domestic abuse left Ella feeling angry, punching doors and throwing stuff as she struggled to cope. Find out how Ella turned her life around by connecting with us.
Build connections through Act on it Now
We know it’s not always as easy as just walking away. You have feelings. You have a history. There are good times – it’s not all bad, right?
By reaching out to us for help, you take the first step towards building wider connections with people who can help you make positive changes to your life.
Those connections might be the people who work at Act on it Now, or they might be young people just like you who get what it feels like when love hurts.
Click here for more real life stories from teens & young people who’ve been there.
*Based on government guidance for maintaining health and wellbeing, they form the foundations of our work with service users (domestic abuse survivors, people who harm & children), colleagues and volunteers.